Model description:
Mr Maksim Timoschuk has created the model in 3DStudio MAX 2009 (*.max).
The 3D model can be purchased and downloaded from for 50.0
The texture is for Russian Air Force.
Download royalty-free ZBrush sculptures, 3D Studio MAX models and Maya 3D objects.
Found this tutorial on how create a stock vector illustration 3d Sword images.
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a sword quick and easy. You can also download over a hundred 3D models of swords from Exchange3D Library.
[1]-Create chamfer cyl with the following size
Place the chamfer cyl like me
[2]-Create another camfer cyl with the following size
[3]-Create one more chamfer cyl and apply the taper modifier with the good following amount as shown below
[4]-Create rectangle with the following size and apply the extrude modifier with the amount of 28.5
[5]-Create box with the following size and convert the box into the editable poly
Drag the vertexes like me
[6]-Create one more copy and go to the boolean and boolean the object like me
[7]-Yout object should like this
[8]-Make the materials like me
[9]-Now you are done it enjoy the final output as shown below